Sunday, October 7, 2012

Has vuelto a visitarme

¿Por qué solo puedo escribir cuando me siento triste?

Estoy cansada de la misma historia.

Todos los olores me recuerdan a mi abuelo.

Te amo, porque es necesario.

Las lágrimas no me dejan pensar claramente.

Aquiles, has vuelto a visitarme.

Llévame contigo al fin del mundo.

Piedras y más piedras en mi camino.

No puedo respirar si no estás cerca.


  1. Most of the time I feel the same way. The only time I can really write and express my feelings is when I'm sad or deep in thought. I haven't lost a close relative yet, but I know it is one of the most difficult things to go through especially if you had a special connection with them. I can imagine how difficult life can get after a close relatives death, how much hurt one can feel or the grieving that a person goes through just because of anothers absence.

    1. Losing someone so close is hard, but talking about it I think is very difficult. Thank you for your comment Erika.

  2. Losing someone so close is hard, but talking about it I think is very difficult. Thank you for your comment Erika.

  3. I can immensely relate to this. When a close relative is lost, it is tremendously hard to the people that were close to him/her. Also, as mentioned in the poem, every little detail can sometimes remind you of that person. This can be a positive thing if one is trying to keep the memory of that relative alive. Additionally, writing can serve as an excellent way to get all of one’s nostalgic thoughts on paper. If it's difficult for one to speak about it, which is very common, writing is an excellent alternative.

  4. ¿Por qué solo puedo escribir cuando me siento triste? Me pasa lo mismo, y yo tampoco sé el por qué. Yo no soy la mejor escritora, es mas, no considero aún que sea una pues no lo hago con frecuencia, además, las cosas que escribo son muy simples, pero lo que se es que siento de que de alguna forma tengo que expresar y mi tristeza para no estallar ni guardarla dentro de mí. Creo que de algún modo tenemos la necesidad o el deseo de crear algo hermoso en medio de la tempestad. Me pregunto a mi misma si la poesia, solo es eso, nostalgia. Espero que no.
    Silvia Pardo

  5. This poem really gets to me, because I lost a really close relative .The same thing happened to me as well writing was my only get away .I use to keep a diary .Losing someone that meant and remained meaning so much in our lives can really adverse.The most important thing in this situation its acceptance to understand that they may not be here in vain but the're presence will always remain.

  6. This poem is very moving. Losing a loved one is a heart-wrenching experience, in which emotional wounds take long to heal. This is especially so when one fails to spend valuable time with that person when he or she was still living, for at times we get ourselves too preoccupied with the material facets of this world, and thus, neglect what really matters. Sometimes we don't  appreciate what our loved ones do for us and take for granted their sacrifices. This is an unsettling truth because when that loved one passes away all of that lost time will never be recooperated. It is when the person dies that one finally realizes just how impacting their life was to one's well-being. Then remorse crawls inside of you and begins to gnaw at your heart for the rest of your life. ThIs remorse is tormenting and  will never fade away. For this reason, it is crucial to let your loved ones know that you are grateful so that you may live in peace. 
